Two of the Best Essential Oils for Energy | Marcella Candles

Two of the Best Essential Oils for Energy

Energy is something we all wish we had more of but just can’t seem to find.

Well, not naturally anyway. We are constantly drowning ourselves in coffee and energy drinks to the point where our body starts to become immune to just one cup.

This is why I like aromatherapy so much more because it provides us with a more natural and healthier alternative to finding energy.

Using aromatherapy helps to get us back to treating our bodies with the respect it deserves.

It’s time to start treating our bodies like a temple and provide it with the best, natural ingredients to help it flourish so that we can perform at our best.

In this blog post, I wanna talk about the top essential oil combinations for energy and how you can use them.

Let’s jump right in!


Now if you have been following my blog for a bit, then you’ll know that one of my favorite combinations to relax would be Lavender & Cedarwood.

However, in this post, I wanna talk about how you can implement Cedarwood by itself into your morning routine to help give you a refreshing start to your day!

You should start by burning a Cedarwood candle in the background while you shower to create a sauna/spa-like experience.

You can even take it a step further by adding a few drops of cedarwood essential oil to the palm of your hands or roll on a significant amount of cedarwood onto your wrists.

This will help you wake up and feel unbelievably refreshed when you get out the shower.

Eucalyptus & Peppermint

This combination has become one of my favorites for energy as of late.

The combination of Eucalyptus and Peppermint work great together because of the benefits that they both provide.

Eucalyptus is an amazing essential oil to help you decongest and open up your airways. This, of course, also promotes deep breathing.

Additionally, Peppermint provides a natural pick me up when you need it.

When performing your morning meditation (which I highly recommend you do), try burning the calming Eucalyptus and Peppermint candle in the background and really focus on taking deep breathes!

You’ll be amazed at how well you’ll feel after!

So, which essential oil combinations do you use for a natural energy boost?

Let me know what your favorite essential oils are in the comments below!

I hope this blog post helps you on your journey to living a healthier more natural lifestyle.

As always wit love,


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